My last weekend in Windhoek was a treat. It in so many ways summed up my trip and by the time I made it to the airport, I was ready to go.
My drive back in to the city was relaxed, except for the moment when an Audi burst past me at over 200km/hr, and unbeknown to me there was a head on crash just metres behind me resulting in six fatalities. The roads are rough in places but ok, it is the rampant overtaking at speed that gives Namibia a terrible road toll.
I made it into the city and headed for the shelter of Joes Beerhouse where for 20 bucks I can have a couple of seasonal Urbock 7 percent beers, washed down with a delicious medium rare Kudu loin steak. I feel a little guilty at indulging in the flesh of this majestic animal , but it sure tastes great and just laps up those 7% beers!
Football in Africa is legendary and I love the style. I was chuffed to see a southern African tournament beginning in Windhoek. So into Katatura I headed , adorned in my shining All Whites top. Such a bad name for a team! As it turned out not only was I of course the only All Whites supporter in the ground, I was the only white supporter in the ground. It was a surprise, but I had suspected this, as when I asked a couple of my local cousies to accompany me the answer was no way!
I loved the football. Zimbabwe playing Swaziland with all the Namibians supporting Zim! I was in the right camp for what was an enthralling tough encounter with plenty of vocal support.
Things got interesting waiting for the second game of the night when it seemed pretty much the entire crowd got really drunk! It was a bit like the beerhall at Marchfest late in the evening!
I was ok not drinking but as a succession of fellow supporters started asking me did I feel safe enough and just saying to call them if anything happened, did I start to have some doubts of how to get to my car. It all turned out fine and my first real taste of football in Africa left me wanting more. It was interesting driving back through Katatura at night and seeing all the nightlife with the Shabiens everywhere as well as other night stores open.
My final day in Namibia was spent cooking a good bye meal for my cousies. It was a treat to be able to cook another meal as a farewell. I have enjoyed the chance to get to know my extended family and their hospitality has been great. Their brai was memorable with the closely guarded marinade recipe!
Before my flight to start my homeward trip, I enjoyed one last morning in downtown Windhoek, shopping for a mask for our son Willow. The masks are used in northern areas in times of seasonal celebrations, sometimes to boast about ones achievements in cattle rearing or , as a link to the ancestors or just as a disguise. I appreciated the stories of the masks, gives meaning to an object.
My flight out of Windhoek was delayed, but it was a fitting finale to fly out into the sunset, one last Namibian sundowner….
For now anyways:)